Meet Catherine Tanaka.

Catherine Tanaka, as featured on The Global Morning Show, is a Fitness Expert and Mindset Coach, known for her role as the host and producer of The Body Project.

About Catherine Tanaka.

Catherine Tanaka is not just a fitness coach; she's your partner in the journey to a healthier, stronger, and happier you. With a wealth of experience and a passion for holistic wellness, Catherine is committed to helping you achieve your fitness goals and cultivate a positive mindset.

mindset. nutrition. wellness. fitness.

Learn about our services.

  • Personalized Fitness Plans

  • Tailored Nutrition Guidance

  • Mindset Coaching and Support

  • Group Workouts and Classes

  • Goal Setting and Progress Tracking

  • Holistic Wellness Workshops

Combined Nutrition and Workout Packages

Complete Athlete Package

Bundled packages offering a combination of personalized nutrition plans and workout routines for a holistic approach to athletic development

Performance Assessments

Comprehensive assessments that include both nutritional evaluations and fitness assessments to provide a well-rounded understanding of an athlete's needs.

Progress Tracking

Regular check-ins to track progress, make necessary adjustments to plans, and provide ongoing support.

Family Fitness Packages

Programs designed for entire families, encouraging a collective approach to health and fitness with shared meal plans and group workouts.

Sports-Specific Training

Tailored packages focusing on the specific demands of individual sports, including position-specific training and skill development.

Mental Conditioning Workshops

Workshops emphasizing the importance of mental strength, focus, and stress management in sports, complementing physical training